American Treasures, LLC

American Treasures personnel are collectors themselves and are very knowledgeable themselves. They are also experts and strive to fight forgeries and are always looking for quality items to appraise. Collecting in any collectible industry is tough because of counterfeit items, and fake (forged) autographs. American Treasures sees all kinds of collectibles everyday and it is unbelievable how many are counterfeit or forged. About 90% of the autograph items are forged on ebay. There are a lot of items which are claimed to be “authentic” and in most casesthey are not.
This is where you need someone like American Treasures so you cannot be taken advantaged of. American Treasures can consult with you and tell you if the item is worth buying and at what price is fair. It is also important to do your own research on each item and learn about it.
American Treasures offers a service to consult the purchaser. Check out our services page for pricing. American Treasures wants to help you acquire the “real deal” so contact us. Consult with someone very knowledgeable about vintage comic books, autographs, sports memorabilia, and movie memorabilia. American Treasures are members of the UACC, Autograph live community and the Manuscript Society. These premier organizations are specialized in studying autographs and American Treasures has resources and can consult other experts all over the country.